Crystal & Travis
The first time I met Crystal and Travis was the 5 minutes before I was able to photograph their engagement. But you would have never known once they got on camera. As I reflect on the reason, I feel it is because they were not trying to pose for the camera, rather they let me capture their interactions authentically. As I look at their images I am reminded of a few things that couples need to remember!
- Have Fun!!! If you fail to have fun after you are dating, chances are your relationship will too fail. Making sure that you take time out to laugh together revitalizes your connectedness. Smile and laugh together as often as you can.
- Don't Worry About Who is Watching. Your relationship should be be contingent on who is watching you or the people you are around. Why, because those people will go away, but you two must remain. A relationship is not a show or performance, its the practice behind the scenes that no one is able to witness. Keep Practicing!
- Take time to reflect. Love journey is rewarding. It is important to take time to reflect on where you've been, where you are, and where you are going. Together, the couples should develop a plan for things to improve upon in their relationship. Learn each others love language and understand that this language will change over time.
Help me celebrate love as they celebrate one year of marriage.
Compete at Love,
Leon Borders Photography